BU HAFTA DİKKATİMİ ÇEKEN ŞİRKETLER (28-11-2022 – 02-12-2022)

Merhaba dostlar, borsadaki yükseliş trendi ara ara gerçekleşen düzeltmeler ile birlikte seçim dönemine kadar devam edecek gibi görünüyor. Çoğu şirket şuan tarihi zirvelerde olsada, ülkemizdeki yüksek enflasyon nedeni ile şirketler yeni tarihi zirvelerini görecektir.

Bu hafta dikkatimi çeken ve kendimce yaptığım yorumlamaya göre kazanç elde ettirme potansiyeli olan 5 şirketi sizlerle paylaşmak istedim.

Dikkat!! Önemli Uyarı ⚠

Burada yapılan yorumlar kesinlikle yatırım tavsiyesi değildir.

Evet dikkatimi çeken şirkelere geçmeden önce yukarıda yapmış olduğum uyarıyı, hatırlatmak isterim. Bu şirketlere yatırım kararı yapmadan kendiniz de lütfen araştırmalarınızı yapın.

Şimdi gelelim dikkatimi çeken şirketlere;

#AKFGY (5.01 TL)

AKFGY; wt_cross indikatorü günlük grafikte yeşil yakmış, haftalık wt_cross yeşil de devam ediyor. Macd ve Irs yukarı yönlü yeşil e dönüş sinyalini ufaktan yakmaya başlamış. Grafik görüntüsü olarak dikkatimi çekti ve kendi hedefim ilk olarak, orta vade de 8.50 TL

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ULUUN; Günlük te düşen trendi kırmak üzere, 10 ekim den itibaren girmiş olduğu yatay kanal içinde devam ediyor. Wt_cros yeşil yakmış, bu hafta kanal üstüne çıkma potansiyeli mevcut, kanal içinde git geller olabilir, ancak kanal üstüne attığı anda sert yükseliş yapma ihtimali çok fazla, takip etmeye değer ve kazanç elde etme potansiyeli çok fazla. Dikkatli şekilde takibe devam.

#ANELE ( 4.21 TL)

ANELE; 14 Eylül de başlayan kanalı kırıp yukarı sert hareket yapması muhtemel, kullandığım 3 indikator verileri de gayet güzel. Kanal üstüne atıp 2,3 gün kalabilir ise, min. %15 kazanç potansiyeli çok çok fazla, bu nedenle takip etmeye değer.

#AFYON (8.90)

AFYON; Yükseliş trendi devam ediyor, geçen hafta 7,50 TL direncini sert bir şekilde kırdı ve haftayı 8,90 TL ile kapattı. Günlük ve haftalık indikator verileri güzel ve yükselişin bu haftada devam edeceğini düşünüyorum. Orta vade fiyat hedefim 13 TL

#ALKİM (41.64 TL)

ALKİM; Günlük wt_cross güzel bir yerde yeşil yaktı. Macd ve Irs bu hafta içinde yeşile dönme potansiyeli yüksek, buralardan tepki alımları gelebilir, Alkim uzun vade yatırım yapan herkesin portföyünde mutlaka vardır, ve kısa ve orta vade yatırım yapan kişiler için takip edilmesi gereken yerde olduğunu düşünüyorum.

Evet arkadaşlar bu hafta dikkatimi çeken ve kendimce yatırım yapmaya değer gördüğüm şirketleri sizler ile paylaşmak istedim. Lütfen sizlerde yatırım yapmaya karar vermeden önce araştırmalarınızı yapın. UNUTMAYIN BURADA YAPILAN PAYLAŞIMLAR KESİNLİKLE YATIRIM TAVSİYESİ DEĞİLDİR.

Öncelikle herkese sağlıklı ve bol kazançlı bir hafta diliyorum.

Sağlıcakla kalın 🖐

1.894 yorum

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    Ultimately, the choice of which one to use is based on personal preference and the desired effect. Much like black, brown eyeliner can be applied in a number of different ways. I personally love using a brown pencil or crayon for tight-lining my eyes. I angle the pencil upwards and apply it right into my lash line which helps to add subtle definition and creates the illusion of fuller lashes without it looking like I have any eyeliner on. If you’ve previously found black eyeliner over-powering, but tight-lining with a brown liner has a totally different result which you’ll probably find more flattering. If you are experimenting with a bold eye makeup look, want a classic feline flick, or are creating a smoky eye look, then a black eyeliner will probably create more impact and will stand out more against any eyeshadow you’re wearing. However, if you’re after a more subtle, everyday look, a brown eyeliner will look much softer.

  4. December 2, 2017 Fathollahi, I. & Kamely, I. (2012). Persuasion Process in Quran. International de Las Casas, B. (1992). The devastation of the Indies: A brief account. JHU Through a classroom game and resource handouts, students learn about the techniques used in persuasive oral arguments and apply them to independent persuasive writing activities. One of the most persuasive things you can do is raise objections to your own points. Slider with three articles shown per slide. Use the Previous and Next buttons to navigate the slides or the slide controller buttons at the end to navigate through each slide. After prewriting comes writing the first draft. The first draft of your students’ paragraph should start with their persuasive topic sentence, which states their opinion about the paragraph’s subject. Their drafts should also include body sentences that give their reasons along with details and examples. Finally, the closing sentence can restate their opinion.
    After giving an overview of this type of essay, we provide three argumentative essay examples. After each essay, we explain in-depth how the essay was structured, what worked, and where the essay could be improved. We end with tips for making your own argumentative essay as strong as possible. A thesis makes a specific statement to the reader about what you will be trying to argue. Your thesis can be a few sentences long, but should not be longer than a paragraph. Do not begin to state evidence or use examples in your thesis paragraph. Of most importance is how you start your argumentative essay. So, when thinking of how to write an argumentative essay introduction, make it memorable and stunning. Always strive to start your opening paragraph with an essay hook to grab the attention of your reader. For this, you can use a statistic, a quote, or paint a picture of what is on the ground concerning the issue at hand.

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    Numerous studies concurred in identifying unfavorable experiences and anxiousness as powerful modulators of discomfort perception, consisting of in dental care. However, the connection in between anxiousness and preparation may have a double trend; too much or too little information can raise anxiety levels. As a result, it is important to pay attention to the quality and amount of info; the pamphlet gives the moms and dad with certain indicators on what to say and what not to state to the youngster. Age of very first oral go to was 6– 9 years (57%) and one of the most usual reason for the check out was decayed teeth (33%). The total attitude of moms and dads towards therapy procedures for children was good in spite of low degrees of knowledge regarding primary teeth and duty of the pedodontist.

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    Whitening may work in some cases and it may not work in others. In such situations the very best option is to choose veneers or crowns. Some call it discoloration and some call it discolorization but in the context of teeth, it indicates that your teeth no more have the preferable natural white color. Regrettably, you can not manage to have teeth that are not white, a minimum of in the existing context. The germs that create periodontitis can enter your blood stream via gum cells, possibly affecting various other components of your body. Tooth staining is something that can often be dealt with, so don’t choose a smile you’re not pleased with.

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    Therefore, it is recommended to refrain from foods loaded with these components for a minimal period of 48 hours post whitening. Consuming tart fruits such as oranges and pineapples might create the mouth to generate more saliva, which washes teeth tidy naturally. Beware of making use of lemons straight on teeth, due to the fact that way too much level of acidity can damage teeth. Keep reading for more ideas from our Oral co-author, consisting of exactly how to maintain good dental health. This info is not implied to change the recommendations of a dental expert. Bleaching strips must have some degree of peroxide to be reliable.

    They are readily available in various concentrations, and people must adhere to the producer’s directions. Kwon says the strips do work however cautions against overuse of these items. Studies have revealed that teeth whitening agents may create a lower teeth’s firmness. Teeth lightening may also cause refined surface area adjustments on existing remediations, says Kwon, nevertheless added researches are needed to review the adjustments.
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    ” Ask your dentist if these items are appropriate for you,” Dr. Clemons claims. Whitening products work best on teeth that have yellowed with aging, or teeth that are tarnished from food and drink. But brown or grey staining could indicate issues that a whitening package will not repair. It’s additionally essential to deal with concerns like periodontal illness or dental caries prior to beginning a lightening treatment. ” Your dental practitioner can additionally suggest the very best item for you, and make certain you’re doing it right,” she adds.

    If you have sensitive teeth or have actually experienced level of sensitivity in the past, it’s a good concept to talk to your dental practitioner about your concerns. They might have the ability to administer topical discomfort relief to manage any type of pain you experience after whitening. You can review our complete overview to the most effective bleaching toothpastes for even more thorough details. Snow’s lightening packages include a 30-day money-back warranty if you’re not pleased with your outcomes.
    At minimum, you need to see your dentist for cleansings and check-ups two times a year. Not only can a dental expert get rid of calculus and search for tooth cavities, however they will certainly also be able to detect potential issues and offer therapy remedies. Water remains to be the best beverage for your total health and wellness– including dental health and wellness. Likewise, generally of thumb, Schwartz advises drinking water after every dish. This can help wash out some of the negative effects of sticky and acidic foods and beverages in between brushes.
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    As soon as dentin is subjected it can lead to level of sensitivity of the teeth and raises the possibility of staining. External discoloration is when foods, beverages, or smoking cigarettes routines tarnish your teeth. Coffee, tea, merlot, foods with dyes, and tobacco can add to this sort of discoloration. Technically, when you obtain your teeth expertly lightened, it’s a long-term procedure.

    Let the combination rest for 5-10 mins, and then rinse with warm water. Oil Pulling is believed to work in getting rid of microorganisms and toxic substances from the mouth and consequently minimizing tooth discoloration. It can also assist to decrease inflammation in the periodontals, in addition to foul-smelling breath.

    Extreme as well as unattended cavities can impact the tooth origin and bordering periodontal tissue, creating the tooth to loosen in time. If you overlook the early stages of dental cavity as well as do not treat the tooth, it will have to be gotten rid of. Little tooth dental caries turn into big tooth cavities over time. As degeneration worsens, it impacts the much deeper layers of your tooth.

    If recognized early, dentin degeneration might be treated with a filling. In more advanced situations, placement of a crown might be required. Tooth abscesses can cause extreme pain that might radiate into the jaw.

    Do you typically experience tooth discomfort or level of sensitivity when you eat something? Dental caries can offer you an unpleasant toothache after consuming particular foods. When you have a dental caries, anything like soda, chocolate brownie, or perhaps coffee can be problematic for you. Food debris can get stuck in huge dental caries, causing stress that offers you discomfort. Additionally, oral x-rays are also practical in determining serious cracks.
    Real cracking or damage done to a tooth by decay can also cause pain that materializes when you eat. And also because the pulp is included, the pain is more considerable. Periodically these teeth may come to be sensitive to hot or cool things. If you experience discomfort when chewing or attacking, it is important to reserve a consultation with your dentist asap. This pain, likewise called sinus tooth harming, is usually really felt in the upper as well as back teeth close to the sinuses. Locate specifically where the pain is originating from, and also the dental professional will determine the extent of the split.

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    Sensodyne toothpastes include ingredients that aid care and protect your teeth, so you can totally appreciate your favorite chilly foods, beverages, and activities. You may want to see your doctor or dentist if your teeth level of sensitivity surpasses chilly or warm and persists despite having typical eating and oral health methods. Acidic food and drinks often tend to deteriorate tooth enamel, and can set off sensitivity, especially when incorporated with heat or cold. A loss of enamel can expose the sensitive dentin of the tooth, the layer listed below the enamel that enables heat and cold to promote nerves. Ideally, having a good dental hygiene regimen and adding in items that help treat level of sensitivity would be enough. Nevertheless, occasionally, you may require to discuss alternative options with your dental professional.

    To obtain the most effective experience, we recommend you use a much more as much as date web browser. In the meantime, to guarantee continued assistance, we are displaying the website without styles and JavaScript. The info provided on NewMouth.com needs to not be used instead of actual details given by a dental expert, doctor, or specialist. In Digital Audience Approach from Arizona State University in 2020 and has actually worked as a health and wellness coach and a restorative yoga educator. Caroline enjoys creating thorough malfunctions of dental concepts in a way that’s very easy for anyone to absorb.

    Lots of people seek orthodontic treatment due to the fact that they intend to enhance the appearance of their smile. However along with cosmetic benefits, orthodontics uses boosted chewing feature and much better dental health and wellness. Orthodontics is a dental specialized concentrated on aligning your bite and aligning your teeth. You may need to see an orthodontist if you have misaligned, overlapped, twisted or gapped teeth. Usual orthodontic therapies include typical braces, clear aligners and detachable retainers.
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    They likewise inform parents and various other oral experts on exactly how best to deal with children. Additionally, Pediatric dental professionals are specialists at clarifying treatments to kids and constructing trust with their young clients. Oral college takes four years to finish and equips a dental expert with the expertise they require to look after and treat your teeth. All dental trainees take a training course or two covering pediatric dental care fundamentals as component of normal training, enabling them to do standard oral look after kids. Yet the quick rate of dental growth in children, in addition to their not-too-predictable habits usually requires substantially more expertise. Other than general cleaning and dental evaluation, there are various solutions that dental practices can provide– from cosmetic dental care to pediatric dental services.
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    There are 9 areas of oral specialties and Pediatric Dental care is one of them. Mini head hand piece– These are the tools used for dental fillings. They are smaller sized for youngsters compared to a hand item utilized for adults. They likewise make lower noise to maintain the child comfortable during the treatment. These are put over the chair & appearance comparable to an infant seat in an auto.
    Such specialists work closely with parents, caretakers, and various other healthcare specialists to provide extensive dental look after kids with unique needs. Pediatric dentists are dental professionals that concentrate on the oral wellness and wellness of youngsters, from early stage via adolescence. They play an important function in making certain that youngsters establish and maintain healthy smiles while likewise developing a favorable and comfy experience for young patients. Pediatric dental professionals offer a vast array of specialized services tailored to satisfy the one-of-a-kind dental requirements of children. In this blog site, we will explore the specialized solutions supplied by pediatric dentists and the significance of early dental care for kids. Pediatric dental experts finish a program that highlights dealing with youngsters who simply need gentler care and treating children and teens with unique demands and impairments.

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    Die natürlichen Inhaltsstoffe des Produkts sollen zudem den Appetit hemmen und das Sättigungsgefühl fördern. Dadurch wird das Abnehmen erleichtert und Heißhungerattacken vorgebeugt. Reduslim ist einfach anzuwenden und kann in den Alltag integriert werden.

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  1124. Pharmacology’s Role and Drug Development in Modern Society

    Pharmacology, the science of drugs and their effects on living systems, plays a pivotal role in modern society. With an ever-increasing burden of diseases and health conditions, the development of new medications is vital for improving healthcare outcomes and enhancing quality of life. This article explores the significance of pharmacology and the process of drug development in addressing contemporary health challenges.

    **Understanding Pharmacology:**
    Pharmacology encompasses a multidisciplinary approach, combining aspects of biology, chemistry, physiology, and pathology to study how drugs interact with biological systems. It delves into the mechanisms of action, therapeutic effects, and potential side effects of medications. By comprehensively understanding these factors, pharmacologists strive to develop safer and more effective drugs for treating various ailments.

    **Importance of Drug Development:**
    The development of new drugs is essential for combating both prevalent and emerging health threats. Chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disorders, cancer, diabetes, and respiratory ailments continue to impose a significant burden on global health. Moreover, the emergence of novel pathogens, antimicrobial resistance, and environmental factors further underscore the need for innovative pharmaceutical solutions.

    **Phases of Drug Development:**
    The journey from drug discovery to market availability is a complex and rigorous process comprising several distinct phases:

    1. **Drug Discovery:** Scientists identify potential drug candidates through various means, including screening natural compounds, designing molecules using computational methods, or repurposing existing drugs for new indications.

    2. **Preclinical Research:** Promising drug candidates undergo extensive laboratory testing to assess their safety, efficacy, and pharmacokinetic properties in cellular and animal models.

    3. **Clinical Trials:** Drug candidates that demonstrate favorable preclinical results advance to clinical trials, which consist of three sequential phases:
    – **Phase I:** Involves testing the drug’s safety and dosage in a small group of healthy volunteers.
    – **Phase II:** Evaluates the drug’s efficacy and side effects in a larger group of individuals with the targeted disease or condition.
    – **Phase III:** Further assesses the drug’s safety and efficacy in a diverse population across multiple locations to establish its therapeutic benefits and risks.

    4. **Regulatory Approval:** Following successful completion of clinical trials, pharmaceutical companies submit comprehensive data to regulatory authorities such as the FDA in the United States or the EMA in Europe for approval to market the drug.

    5. **Post-Marketing Surveillance:** Even after approval, ongoing monitoring is crucial to detect any unforeseen adverse effects and ensure the drug’s continued safety and efficacy in real-world settings.

    **Challenges and Future Directions:**
    Despite significant advancements in pharmacology and drug development, several challenges persist. These include escalating research and development costs, regulatory hurdles, ethical considerations, and the increasing complexity of diseases. Additionally, disparities in access to medications and healthcare services remain a global concern.

    Looking ahead, emerging technologies such as precision medicine, gene editing, and artificial intelligence offer promising avenues for personalized therapies and targeted drug development. Collaborative efforts among researchers, clinicians, pharmaceutical companies, and policymakers are imperative to address these challenges and harness the full potential of pharmacology in improving global health outcomes.

    In conclusion, pharmacology plays a central role in modern society by driving the development of new medications to combat a myriad of health challenges. Through continuous innovation and collaboration, the field of pharmacology holds immense promise for enhancing healthcare delivery and promoting well-being worldwide.

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    Химиотерапия — это серьезное испытание, которое оказывает значительное влияние на организм, включая потерю волос. Этот аспект лечения может сильно сказаться на самооценке и эмоциональном состоянии пациента. Выбор правильного парика может помочь восстановить уверенность в себе и чувство нормальности. В этой статье мы расскажем, на что стоит обратить внимание при выборе парика после химиотерапии.

    #### Почему выбор парика важен

    Парик — это не просто аксессуар, а важная часть восстановления после химиотерапии. Правильно подобранный парик помогает:
    – Восстановить внешний вид и самооценку
    – Защитить кожу головы от солнца и холода
    – Обеспечить комфорт и уверенность в общественных местах

    #### Ключевые факторы при выборе парика

    1. **Материал волос**
    – **Натуральные волосы**: Плюсы включают естественный вид и возможность укладки. Однако они требуют более тщательного ухода и стоят дороже.
    – **Синтетические волосы**: Более доступный вариант, не требующий сложного ухода. Современные синтетические парики выглядят очень естественно и могут сохранять форму после стирки.

    2. **Основа парика**
    – **Монопарик**: Обеспечивает естественный вид благодаря индивидуально пришитым волосам. Обычно более дорогие, но и более комфортные и натуральные.
    – **Трессовый парик**: Волосы закреплены на трессах, что делает парик более доступным по цене, но менее натуральным на вид.

    3. **Размер и посадка**
    – Важно выбрать парик, который хорошо сидит на голове и не вызывает дискомфорта. Обратите внимание на регулировочные ремешки и эластичность основы.

    4. **Цвет и стиль**
    – Подберите цвет, который максимально близок к вашему натуральному оттенку волос до химиотерапии. Это поможет вам чувствовать себя более естественно.
    – Обратите внимание на стрижку и укладку парика. Выберите стиль, который вам подходит и не требует сложного ухода.

    5. **Уход и долговечность**
    – Натуральные парики требуют регулярного мытья и укладки, что может занять время и усилия.
    – Синтетические парики легче в уходе, но могут требовать замены чаще, чем натуральные.

    #### Где купить парик

    – **Специализированные магазины**: В таких магазинах можно получить профессиональную консультацию и примерить разные модели.
    – **Онлайн-магазины**: Здесь представлено большее разнообразие моделей и стилей. Важно внимательно изучить отзывы и уточнить возможность возврата.

    #### Советы по ношению парика

    – **Используйте подкладку**: Это поможет предотвратить раздражение кожи головы.
    – **Регулярно чистите парик**: Следите за гигиеной парика, чтобы избежать неприятных запахов и повреждений.
    – **Снимайте парик на ночь**: Это даст вашей коже головы отдохнуть и позволит парику дольше сохранять свою форму.

    #### Поддержка и консультации

    Не стесняйтесь обращаться за советом к специалистам в магазинах или парикмахерских. Они помогут подобрать подходящую модель и расскажут о правильном уходе за париком. Также стоит обсудить свои предпочтения и возможные аллергические реакции с врачом.

    #### Заключение

    Выбор парика после химиотерапии — это важный шаг на пути к восстановлению. Правильный парик поможет вам чувствовать себя комфортно и уверенно в этот непростой период. Уделите внимание материалу, основе, размеру, цвету и стилю парика, чтобы найти тот, который идеально подходит именно вам. Пусть ваш путь к восстановлению будет полон уверенности и положительных эмоций.

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